* 95 % of Warrants in LOS ANGELES are for ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 83 % of Warrants for MURDER in Phoenix Arizona are FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 86 % of Warrants for MURDER in Albuquerque New Mexico are for ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 75 % of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Albuquerque are ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 24.9 % OF ALL INMATES in California detention centers are Mexican Nationals here ILLEGALLY
* 40.1 % of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican Nationals here ILLEGALLY
* 29 % (630,000) Convicted ILLEGAL ALIENS felons fill our state and federal prisons at the cost of $1.5 Billion Annually
* 53 % Plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 50 % Plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 71 % Plus of all apprehended Cars stolen in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California were stolen by ILLEGAL ALIENS or "Transport Coyotes "
* 47 % of cited / stopped Drivers in California have NO License, NO Insurance, and NO Registration for the vehicle of that 47 %, over 92 % were ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 63 % of cited / stopped Drivers in Arizona have NO License, NO Insurance, and NO Registration for the vehicle of that 63 %, over 97 % are ILLEGAL ALIENS
* 66 % of cited / stopped Drivers in New Mexico have NO License, NO Insurance, and NO Registration for the vehicle Of that 66 %, over 98 % were ILLEGAL ALIENS

Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history. The Armenians could become a force against the Zionist if the could unravel their hidden history! Jewish racism could unwittingly be unveiled by the "Amalekites."
WATERTOWN, MA -The New England director of the Anti-Defamation League, Andrew Tarsy, would have us believe that they are honest and neutral brokers with respect to the Armenian Genocide.
According to Tarsy, Abraham Foxman and the ADL never lobbied against a congressional genocide resolution. Rather, they just told inquiring media minds: “… that this issue was one to be resolved by the two countries — Turkey and Armenia.”
Under scrutiny however, Tarsy’s claim seems to fall apart.
The Turkish news Web site “Today’s Zaman” reported the following on April 26: “In a letter addressing influential members of U.S. Congress…. U.S.-based Jewish groups demanded that voting on congressional resolutions urging the U.S. administration to recognize an alleged genocide of Armenians be delayed.
“The letter was jointly signed by B’nai B’rith International, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.”
This testimony is corroborated by Ron Kampeas of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Kampeas reported as follows on April 23:
“Four groups, B’nai B’rith International, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs are set to convey a letter from Turkish Jews who oppose the resolution to U.S. congressional leaders. The ADL and JINSA have added their own statements opposing the bill.”
Joey Kurtzman, pundit for www.Jewcy.com, also adds a new wrinkle in his column: “Fire Foxman — Denying the Armenian Genocide should be the last atrocity perpetrated by the ADL chief.”
According to Tarsy, Abraham Foxman and the ADL never lobbied against a congressional genocide resolution. Rather, they just told inquiring media minds: “… that this issue was one to be resolved by the two countries — Turkey and Armenia.”
Under scrutiny however, Tarsy’s claim seems to fall apart.
The Turkish news Web site “Today’s Zaman” reported the following on April 26: “In a letter addressing influential members of U.S. Congress…. U.S.-based Jewish groups demanded that voting on congressional resolutions urging the U.S. administration to recognize an alleged genocide of Armenians be delayed.
“The letter was jointly signed by B’nai B’rith International, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.”
This testimony is corroborated by Ron Kampeas of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Kampeas reported as follows on April 23:
“Four groups, B’nai B’rith International, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs are set to convey a letter from Turkish Jews who oppose the resolution to U.S. congressional leaders. The ADL and JINSA have added their own statements opposing the bill.”
Joey Kurtzman, pundit for www.Jewcy.com, also adds a new wrinkle in his column: “Fire Foxman — Denying the Armenian Genocide should be the last atrocity perpetrated by the ADL chief.”

Al Qaeda's Travel Agent -- Damascus International Airport is a hub for terrorists.
The United States is at last making significant progress against al Qaeda in Iraq--but the road to victory now requires cutting off al Qaeda's road to Iraq through Damascus.
Thanks to Gen. David Petraeus's new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq, and the strength and skill of the American soldiers fighting there, al Qaeda in Iraq is now being routed from its former strongholds in Anbar and Diyala provinces. Many of Iraq's Sunni Arabs, meanwhile, are uniting with us against al Qaeda, alienated by the barbarism and brutality of their erstwhile allies.
It's night time now, Joe Boy, and like other scurrying creatures that abhor light, like cockroaches, you're crawling about, seeking some putrid, foul smelling food source to nourish your disease ridden soul.
You gleefully crawl from the back pockets of neoCONS to the pockets of your other masters, like AIPAC.
To say that you're an American is an INSULT to the real Americans of this nation. Real Americans like the soldiers and marines you have been more than happy to consign and stay in that hell hole that you helped make in Iraq. You wouldn't even make a decent boil on the buttocks of a real American, since you're some type of bottom-feeding, parasitic life form.
You live life on your knees, gladly swallowing the male appendages of the various war mongering neoCONS and the AIPAC lobby. Those two abominations throw around money like a carpenter uses nails, and you, Joe Boy, run as fast as you can to scoop up this payoff that has bought you hook, line and sinker.
Your blackened and empty soul is reflected on your horrible visage. A face that painfully shows you as the worthless piece of sub-human flesh that you have become.
I would say that you are contemptible, but you're beneath contempt.
Increase the pace of your scurrying about, since soon, the sun will rise and with that burst of antiseptic sunlight coming in, once more, you will crawl as fast as you can to hide under the nearest object to protect you from the sun's rays; Not unlike the vampires of myth, who couldn't see the Sun and live.
Run Joe, run. And if we're lucky, maybe you'll find a nice, big pile of stinking feces to hide under. A pile that is so huge and smelly, you'll think you found heaven and choose to never ever show your face again in the real world.
Thanks to Gen. David Petraeus's new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq, and the strength and skill of the American soldiers fighting there, al Qaeda in Iraq is now being routed from its former strongholds in Anbar and Diyala provinces. Many of Iraq's Sunni Arabs, meanwhile, are uniting with us against al Qaeda, alienated by the barbarism and brutality of their erstwhile allies.
It's night time now, Joe Boy, and like other scurrying creatures that abhor light, like cockroaches, you're crawling about, seeking some putrid, foul smelling food source to nourish your disease ridden soul.
You gleefully crawl from the back pockets of neoCONS to the pockets of your other masters, like AIPAC.
To say that you're an American is an INSULT to the real Americans of this nation. Real Americans like the soldiers and marines you have been more than happy to consign and stay in that hell hole that you helped make in Iraq. You wouldn't even make a decent boil on the buttocks of a real American, since you're some type of bottom-feeding, parasitic life form.
You live life on your knees, gladly swallowing the male appendages of the various war mongering neoCONS and the AIPAC lobby. Those two abominations throw around money like a carpenter uses nails, and you, Joe Boy, run as fast as you can to scoop up this payoff that has bought you hook, line and sinker.
Your blackened and empty soul is reflected on your horrible visage. A face that painfully shows you as the worthless piece of sub-human flesh that you have become.
I would say that you are contemptible, but you're beneath contempt.
Increase the pace of your scurrying about, since soon, the sun will rise and with that burst of antiseptic sunlight coming in, once more, you will crawl as fast as you can to hide under the nearest object to protect you from the sun's rays; Not unlike the vampires of myth, who couldn't see the Sun and live.
Run Joe, run. And if we're lucky, maybe you'll find a nice, big pile of stinking feces to hide under. A pile that is so huge and smelly, you'll think you found heaven and choose to never ever show your face again in the real world.

Fjordman wrote this as a response to “Whites Need Not Apply? Job-Hunting While White”.
I usually don’t write about skin color, although I have done so sporadically in the past. However, the amount of hatred and racism against whites is now becoming so aggressive, palpable and indeed publicly accepted in much of the world that perhaps I should write another essay about it. Let me start briefly here.
It is noticeable how aggressive many Leftists have become against whites, parallel to Muslim immigration. I think the Leftist logic goes something like this: We failed to achieve our Socialist society during the Cold War. The “white,” Western culture blocked our goals. Since a Socialist society is good, those blocking it are evil, hence whites are evil and need to be subdued and destroyed, even if this includes our own sons, daughters and grandchildren. Utopia requires a Villain Class to be smashed and sacrificed. In the global, Multicultural Utopia, this appears to be whites in general.
I have heard Mexicans in the USA state that white Americans should “go home” to Europe. Of course, if they do go back to Europe, they will find that portions of Europe are increasingly unlivable for whites. We’re not supposed to have a “home.”
I’m sure the British are told that they are swamped by immigration because they used to be a colonial power. But mass immigration to countries such as Norway, Sweden or Switzerland proves that this is not related to past colonial history, since we don’t have any. It is related to one, and only one thing: We are born white. That makes us evil, hence destroying us and our heritage is a good thing. Dozens of nations across an entire continent are being deliberately destroyed and the natives stripped off their lands and culture. This represents perhaps the greatest crime of our age yet it is hardly talked about, and if it is, it is celebrated. 2008 is supposed to be a pan-European year for celebrating diversity, while the natives from Britain via Denmark to Germany, the Netherlands, France and Spain can hardly walk the streets in many of their major cities without being harassed.
The Danish writer Carsten Ringsmose was a speaker at a conference at the University of Odense on the immigration-related topic of “Recognition and integration.” He outlined the projected population growth for the Islamic world, and stated that if recent prognoses are correct, the Islamic world will witness a population growth more than the equivalent of all EU member countries combined within just a few decades. One of the other speakers suggested that this population boom could be solved through migration to the West, which would mean that Denmark, with a present population of 5.4 million inhabitants, would have to accept perhaps 9.5 million predominantly Muslim immigrants within the coming two generations. The man who suggested this, accompanied by segments of the audience, laughed when Mr. Ringsmose suggested that this simply wasn’t doable.
Following the release of a UN population report discussed by Mr. Ringsmose, Marie Simonsen, political editor of the Norwegian left-wing newspaper Dagbladet, wrote that it should be considered a universal human right for people everywhere to migrate wherever they want to. This will quickly swamp a tiny Scandinavian nation. She thus endorsed the persecution and eventual eradication of her own people, no doubt congratulating herself for her own tolerance.
It is noticeable how aggressive many Leftists have become against whites, parallel to Muslim immigration. I think the Leftist logic goes something like this: We failed to achieve our Socialist society during the Cold War. The “white,” Western culture blocked our goals. Since a Socialist society is good, those blocking it are evil, hence whites are evil and need to be subdued and destroyed, even if this includes our own sons, daughters and grandchildren. Utopia requires a Villain Class to be smashed and sacrificed. In the global, Multicultural Utopia, this appears to be whites in general.
I have heard Mexicans in the USA state that white Americans should “go home” to Europe. Of course, if they do go back to Europe, they will find that portions of Europe are increasingly unlivable for whites. We’re not supposed to have a “home.”
I’m sure the British are told that they are swamped by immigration because they used to be a colonial power. But mass immigration to countries such as Norway, Sweden or Switzerland proves that this is not related to past colonial history, since we don’t have any. It is related to one, and only one thing: We are born white. That makes us evil, hence destroying us and our heritage is a good thing. Dozens of nations across an entire continent are being deliberately destroyed and the natives stripped off their lands and culture. This represents perhaps the greatest crime of our age yet it is hardly talked about, and if it is, it is celebrated. 2008 is supposed to be a pan-European year for celebrating diversity, while the natives from Britain via Denmark to Germany, the Netherlands, France and Spain can hardly walk the streets in many of their major cities without being harassed.
The Danish writer Carsten Ringsmose was a speaker at a conference at the University of Odense on the immigration-related topic of “Recognition and integration.” He outlined the projected population growth for the Islamic world, and stated that if recent prognoses are correct, the Islamic world will witness a population growth more than the equivalent of all EU member countries combined within just a few decades. One of the other speakers suggested that this population boom could be solved through migration to the West, which would mean that Denmark, with a present population of 5.4 million inhabitants, would have to accept perhaps 9.5 million predominantly Muslim immigrants within the coming two generations. The man who suggested this, accompanied by segments of the audience, laughed when Mr. Ringsmose suggested that this simply wasn’t doable.
Following the release of a UN population report discussed by Mr. Ringsmose, Marie Simonsen, political editor of the Norwegian left-wing newspaper Dagbladet, wrote that it should be considered a universal human right for people everywhere to migrate wherever they want to. This will quickly swamp a tiny Scandinavian nation. She thus endorsed the persecution and eventual eradication of her own people, no doubt congratulating herself for her own tolerance.

Imagine that sign in a window. Actually, in this case it should read “White English” — Jock and Mick and Taffy are welcome, but Jane Bull might as well forget it.
Here’s the news story I’m referring to:
English girl barred from Government job…because she is wrong kind of white
Whites Need Not Apply
A teenage science student has been banned from applying for a training programme with the Environment Agency because she is white and English.
The recruitment agency handling the scheme told Abigail Howarth, 18, that there was no point in her submitting an application because of her ethnic background.
But bizarrely she could have applied if she had been white and Welsh, Scottish or Irish.
Abigail, who wanted to join the Agency’s flood management programme, saw an advert in a local newspaper offering positions in the Anglia region where she lives, complete with a £13,000-a-year tax-free grant.
It made no mention of the ban on white English applicants, merely noting that candidates from ethnic minorities, such as “Asian, Indian" and “White Other, e.g. Irish, Welsh, Scottish", were encouraged to put themselves forward.
This nefarious policy is referred to as “positive action”, the British equivalent of our old friend “affirmative action”.
Here’s the news story I’m referring to:
English girl barred from Government job…because she is wrong kind of white
Whites Need Not Apply
A teenage science student has been banned from applying for a training programme with the Environment Agency because she is white and English.
The recruitment agency handling the scheme told Abigail Howarth, 18, that there was no point in her submitting an application because of her ethnic background.
But bizarrely she could have applied if she had been white and Welsh, Scottish or Irish.
Abigail, who wanted to join the Agency’s flood management programme, saw an advert in a local newspaper offering positions in the Anglia region where she lives, complete with a £13,000-a-year tax-free grant.
It made no mention of the ban on white English applicants, merely noting that candidates from ethnic minorities, such as “Asian, Indian" and “White Other, e.g. Irish, Welsh, Scottish", were encouraged to put themselves forward.
This nefarious policy is referred to as “positive action”, the British equivalent of our old friend “affirmative action”.

Seven weeks after the collapse of legislation in Congress, the outcry against illegal immigration is louder than ever, manifested by proposed clampdowns at the state and local level and an uproar over the arrest of an undocumented immigrant in the execution-style slayings of three New Jersey college students.
Scores of organizations, ranging from mainstream to fringe groups, are marshalling forces in what former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls "a war here at home" against illegal immigration, which he says is as important as America’s conflicts being fought overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan.
While most of the groups register legitimate, widespread concerns about the impact of illegal immigration on jobs, social services and national security, the intense rhetoric is generating fears of an emerging dark side, evident in growing discrimination against Hispanics and a surge of xenophobia unseen since the last big wave of immigration in the early 20th century.
"I don’t think there’s been a time like this in our lifetime," said Doris Meissner, a senior fellow with the Migration Policy Institute and former commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Even though immigration is always unsettling and somewhat controversial, we haven’t had this kind of intensity and widespread, deep-seated anger for almost 100 years."
Scores of organizations, ranging from mainstream to fringe groups, are marshalling forces in what former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls "a war here at home" against illegal immigration, which he says is as important as America’s conflicts being fought overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan.
While most of the groups register legitimate, widespread concerns about the impact of illegal immigration on jobs, social services and national security, the intense rhetoric is generating fears of an emerging dark side, evident in growing discrimination against Hispanics and a surge of xenophobia unseen since the last big wave of immigration in the early 20th century.
"I don’t think there’s been a time like this in our lifetime," said Doris Meissner, a senior fellow with the Migration Policy Institute and former commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Even though immigration is always unsettling and somewhat controversial, we haven’t had this kind of intensity and widespread, deep-seated anger for almost 100 years."

1 comment:
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