A 72 year old man, home alone when a knock on his door echoes through the dwelling. He answers, "who dat be," and when he peers through the door, what did his bulging eyes behold? An 11 year old neighbor girl asking for his help. I must repeat, an ELEVEN year old girl asking for HELP. But, he must have been hard of hearing as he evidently misunderstood. She requested help for herself but, he helped himself to her.
A young damsel in distress comes a calling at the home of a convicted sex offender. The case of sugar daddy Oscar Murphy, an African American man who's not so sweet.
A young damsel in distress comes a calling at the home of a convicted sex offender. The case of sugar daddy Oscar Murphy, an African American man who's not so sweet.

In February of 2005, an 11-year-old girl was accidentally locked out of her home. She knocked on a neighbor's door for help. The man who answered, Oscar Murphy, invited the girl in. The girl may not have known that she was knocking on the door of a convicted sex offender.
8 years earlier, Murphy, now 72 years old, pleaded guilty to two statutory rape charges. He was placed on probation.
After the 11-year-old girl accepted Murphy's invitation to come in, he attacked her and raped her.
It was the second trial in the case for Murphy, who lived on Marcus in St. Louis. The first trial ended with a hung jury. Prosecutors brought the charges again, and, this time, Murphy was convicted.
Prosecutors say Murphy could be sentenced to up to 30 years in prison.
8 years earlier, Murphy, now 72 years old, pleaded guilty to two statutory rape charges. He was placed on probation.
After the 11-year-old girl accepted Murphy's invitation to come in, he attacked her and raped her.
It was the second trial in the case for Murphy, who lived on Marcus in St. Louis. The first trial ended with a hung jury. Prosecutors brought the charges again, and, this time, Murphy was convicted.
Prosecutors say Murphy could be sentenced to up to 30 years in prison.
Note: I know for a fact the victim below is White, I saw her image on a TV news report. That being said, it is my policy to not categorize a victim as “White” unless I can provide an image. In this case, I can not.
In this case, an African American man violently pulls a (White) St. Louis (Missouri) female jogger from a jogging path. He grabs her by the neck twisting and choking until she blackens out. As she lay on the bare ground injured and unconscious, he maneuvers her in position, pulls down her jogging tights and rapes her. When he was done, he simply walks away. No concern for his victim, no shame for what he has done. He was satisfied, he was pleased, he was happy and content, and that's all that mattered to this selfish roving African American.
Directly due west of the late great city of St. Louis, sets acres and acres of land with rolling hills, wooded areas as well as cleared areas filled with large shade trees and thick green grass. This is where the viscous sex attack and merciless assault took place. In 1876 a magnificent park was carved out of over 1300 acres of this land. Later the area was developed even more, into bicycle paths, baseball diamonds, tennis courts, fishing lakes and ponds. Some of the lakes and ponds had small peddle and row boats where by day families could float in the sunshine enjoying togetherness. By night young lovers could take a slow moon lighted romantic float while crossing under the many bridges that the waterways passed through. During the winter, with the rolling hillsides this area made for the optimum snow sledding experience. And of course when the lakes and ponds froze over they made for the perfect ice skating rinks. Many hundreds and even thousands of people would come from miles around to spent time in this area. Just as they've done for many decades. There was always some type of attraction or event that lead the people to these lands of rolling hills. Carnivals, parades, band concerts, family reunions or just to take in the scenic beauty.
Also developed in the area was the St. Louis Zoo, famed art museums, an historical society, a opera house, a conservatory, an amphitheater, indoor gardens/lily ponds, a science center, as well as many other attractions. All within walking distance of one another. There was also a mounted Canadian style patrol station on grounds. Men in bright red uniforms who strolled the park area on horseback, stopping for any child who desired to pet his horse or just get a close-up of the beautiful animal. The site was also home to the “Louisiana Purchase Exposition” or “The St. Louis World’s Fair” in 1904. Some of the structures built especially for that fair are still yet standing.
This vast area was known as "Forest Park," it was proudly nick-named by the locals as the "Crown Jewel of St. Louis," because that's exactly what it was. No telling how many lovers met and later married and raised families because of this pristine area. No telling the number of friendships and lasting relationships that were formed because of this area. It was conductive to family, love, friendship, and togetherness. It was fun, exciting, adventuresome and an area just to kick back and relax under a shade tree. Old and young alike, male, female, everyone had a good and memorable time. Back then everyone was safe, free from vulgarity, free from crudeness and rudeness, but most importantly, everyone was safe from vicious interracial crime. Free from being viciously choked down to the ground, choked within milliseconds of death and then savaged by a person completely unlike themselves. Yes, something had transpired, something went wrong, and for the worse. The "crown jewel" has lost it shine. It's not only lost it‘s shine, it has been broken, shattered to pieces, and has crumbled at the feet of those who made it what it was.
Today, this area is kept on life support only through the many bogus promotions, schemes, scams and misrepresentations aimed at it. The city's elite, in a desperate attempt to raise the dying cities tax base while working in concert with greedy, unethical real estate managers, rehabbers and developers, have falsely manufactured the impression that this particular crime-infested area is making a “come-back,“ that it is safe. Yes, a sick and dying area is being "revitalized" and now it’s the “in” place to live, like as if one is connected to the other. But that’s exactly what they are promoting. They also claim it will be just like it use to be, just like it was back in 1876, 1904 or even 1976, only with a different type of people. They’ve reached out to the women, oh come look, look at all the many turn of the century ornate homes, what charm, elegance and beauty they possess, come on down, take a look, fall in love, oohhh, so pretty. They built-up the close proximity to the city's heart in which these buildings are located to the men, it's just a short distance from downtown, you'll be there in minutes. Oh, come back to the city, there’s nothing like “City Life,” enjoy the experience, ohhh how grand. But what they won’t reveal in the Victorian dwellings, the grand entrance ways, the spiraling staircases, the shiny decorative mirrors that hang above the antiquated mantles and the quick drive to work is, none of this does a safe area make. They refuse to revel in the many crimes committed in the area, the rapes on the bike paths, the assaults at the ponds, the raunchy and crude behavior in the picnic areas, the robberies on opera house grounds, the utter disrespect, contempt and “gangsta” attitudes and nasty displays shown while viewing the animals at the zoo. They refuse to mention the many carjackings, the burglaries or the home invasions that occur in and around these ornate turn of the century structures on a regular basis. They refuse to acknowledge that the people are what makes a city great, the people are what makes a city beautiful, the people are what determines if an area is safe or unsafe. They also forget to mention in their sham money motivated promotions of what caused the area to decay to such a degree that it needed “rehabbed” and “revitalized“ in the first place. Plus, the most important item escaped them completely, the people who made the city what it was, the people who made the city a great place to live, the people who was the “Crown” in the “Jewel” and made it the fun adventure that it was, the people who made the city safe, ARE NO LONGER THERE! They moved out a LONG time ago!
It’s time to face a cold hard fact, the "Crown Jewel of St. Louis" is no more. It died a slow and painful death many years ago. Yes, it’s time to face the facts, or face the consequences. There really are no other choices.*
In this case, an African American man violently pulls a (White) St. Louis (Missouri) female jogger from a jogging path. He grabs her by the neck twisting and choking until she blackens out. As she lay on the bare ground injured and unconscious, he maneuvers her in position, pulls down her jogging tights and rapes her. When he was done, he simply walks away. No concern for his victim, no shame for what he has done. He was satisfied, he was pleased, he was happy and content, and that's all that mattered to this selfish roving African American.
Directly due west of the late great city of St. Louis, sets acres and acres of land with rolling hills, wooded areas as well as cleared areas filled with large shade trees and thick green grass. This is where the viscous sex attack and merciless assault took place. In 1876 a magnificent park was carved out of over 1300 acres of this land. Later the area was developed even more, into bicycle paths, baseball diamonds, tennis courts, fishing lakes and ponds. Some of the lakes and ponds had small peddle and row boats where by day families could float in the sunshine enjoying togetherness. By night young lovers could take a slow moon lighted romantic float while crossing under the many bridges that the waterways passed through. During the winter, with the rolling hillsides this area made for the optimum snow sledding experience. And of course when the lakes and ponds froze over they made for the perfect ice skating rinks. Many hundreds and even thousands of people would come from miles around to spent time in this area. Just as they've done for many decades. There was always some type of attraction or event that lead the people to these lands of rolling hills. Carnivals, parades, band concerts, family reunions or just to take in the scenic beauty.
Also developed in the area was the St. Louis Zoo, famed art museums, an historical society, a opera house, a conservatory, an amphitheater, indoor gardens/lily ponds, a science center, as well as many other attractions. All within walking distance of one another. There was also a mounted Canadian style patrol station on grounds. Men in bright red uniforms who strolled the park area on horseback, stopping for any child who desired to pet his horse or just get a close-up of the beautiful animal. The site was also home to the “Louisiana Purchase Exposition” or “The St. Louis World’s Fair” in 1904. Some of the structures built especially for that fair are still yet standing.
This vast area was known as "Forest Park," it was proudly nick-named by the locals as the "Crown Jewel of St. Louis," because that's exactly what it was. No telling how many lovers met and later married and raised families because of this pristine area. No telling the number of friendships and lasting relationships that were formed because of this area. It was conductive to family, love, friendship, and togetherness. It was fun, exciting, adventuresome and an area just to kick back and relax under a shade tree. Old and young alike, male, female, everyone had a good and memorable time. Back then everyone was safe, free from vulgarity, free from crudeness and rudeness, but most importantly, everyone was safe from vicious interracial crime. Free from being viciously choked down to the ground, choked within milliseconds of death and then savaged by a person completely unlike themselves. Yes, something had transpired, something went wrong, and for the worse. The "crown jewel" has lost it shine. It's not only lost it‘s shine, it has been broken, shattered to pieces, and has crumbled at the feet of those who made it what it was.
Today, this area is kept on life support only through the many bogus promotions, schemes, scams and misrepresentations aimed at it. The city's elite, in a desperate attempt to raise the dying cities tax base while working in concert with greedy, unethical real estate managers, rehabbers and developers, have falsely manufactured the impression that this particular crime-infested area is making a “come-back,“ that it is safe. Yes, a sick and dying area is being "revitalized" and now it’s the “in” place to live, like as if one is connected to the other. But that’s exactly what they are promoting. They also claim it will be just like it use to be, just like it was back in 1876, 1904 or even 1976, only with a different type of people. They’ve reached out to the women, oh come look, look at all the many turn of the century ornate homes, what charm, elegance and beauty they possess, come on down, take a look, fall in love, oohhh, so pretty. They built-up the close proximity to the city's heart in which these buildings are located to the men, it's just a short distance from downtown, you'll be there in minutes. Oh, come back to the city, there’s nothing like “City Life,” enjoy the experience, ohhh how grand. But what they won’t reveal in the Victorian dwellings, the grand entrance ways, the spiraling staircases, the shiny decorative mirrors that hang above the antiquated mantles and the quick drive to work is, none of this does a safe area make. They refuse to revel in the many crimes committed in the area, the rapes on the bike paths, the assaults at the ponds, the raunchy and crude behavior in the picnic areas, the robberies on opera house grounds, the utter disrespect, contempt and “gangsta” attitudes and nasty displays shown while viewing the animals at the zoo. They refuse to mention the many carjackings, the burglaries or the home invasions that occur in and around these ornate turn of the century structures on a regular basis. They refuse to acknowledge that the people are what makes a city great, the people are what makes a city beautiful, the people are what determines if an area is safe or unsafe. They also forget to mention in their sham money motivated promotions of what caused the area to decay to such a degree that it needed “rehabbed” and “revitalized“ in the first place. Plus, the most important item escaped them completely, the people who made the city what it was, the people who made the city a great place to live, the people who was the “Crown” in the “Jewel” and made it the fun adventure that it was, the people who made the city safe, ARE NO LONGER THERE! They moved out a LONG time ago!
It’s time to face a cold hard fact, the "Crown Jewel of St. Louis" is no more. It died a slow and painful death many years ago. Yes, it’s time to face the facts, or face the consequences. There really are no other choices.*
As I was writing this short commentary I was reminded of another one of the world’s “Crown Jewels” or as in this case, “the Jewel in the Crown.” The late, great and first rate nation called Rhodesia (renamed Zimbabwe and now a third world cesspool), it was considered a jewel in the crown of the British Empire. The empire that was so vast that it encompassed much of the earth and was said to be a realm that “the sun never set on.” The brightest jewel in this empire’s crown was that nation of Rhodesia. But, like the St. Louis crown jewel, it died a slow and painful death. An obvious question arises, what caused it’s death and, are there any similarities between the two? Here’s a link that some may want to at least browse. It’s not at all PC, matter of fact, some may find it offensive. So to those that are offended easily, don't click on the following link. To Be, or Not to Be
She [the victim] says on the evening of June 8, 2003, the man [pictured below] grabbed her and twisted her neck until she blacked out
Three years later, police say DNA evidence led them to a suspect.
The defense tried to argue the encounter was consensual, but not one juror believed his story.
Three years later, police say DNA evidence led them to a suspect.
The defense tried to argue the encounter was consensual, but not one juror believed his story.

Meanwhile, the ACLU, is giving cameras to “city” dwellers so they can monitor the police. Isn’t that amazing? Women are being slapped down, choked to near death and brutally raped on public bicycle/jogging paths, and the ACLU is donating cameras so people can keep an eye on the police! Wow!! Why not give a few camera's to the female joggers and bicyclists who use the “Crown Jewel of St. Louis’” so they can keep an eye on the “city” dwellers? Ooops, but THAT wouldn’t be PC now would it?
More about the ACLU, an anti-Christian hate group that spends lots and lots of time and energy nationwide on making sure there are no “Jesus” statutes, pictures, nativity scenes, etc on our school grounds, court houses etc. Plus it’s committed itself to many other anti-America activities. Many of these “activities” are just downright anti-White. Links below.
More about the ACLU, an anti-Christian hate group that spends lots and lots of time and energy nationwide on making sure there are no “Jesus” statutes, pictures, nativity scenes, etc on our school grounds, court houses etc. Plus it’s committed itself to many other anti-America activities. Many of these “activities” are just downright anti-White. Links below.

"Religious Proselytizing" ? A Smear Term to Silence Christianity
Here one by John "Birdman" Bryant
Affirmative Action: Why the ACLU Doesn't Have A-Clu
Another article by Rev. Ted Pike.
Religious writer Diane Dew writes this piece.
Revealing FACTS on the ACLU
The stunning Davvy Kidd chimes in here
ACLU fulfilling communist agenda
The ACLU wire - various news reports
19 articles on the hate group, the ACLU here
There’s an endless supply of facts concerning the ACLU. For those who desire, Google any of the following.
aclu sues for gay rights
the aclu sues over jesus picture
the aclu sues over cross
the aclu sues over statue of christ
the aclu sues over school prayer
aclu fights to legalize same sex marriage
Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri is launching a new program designed to help citizens monitor the St. Louis Police Department.
The ACLU says it has given free video cameras to ten residents of north St. Louis. The residents are trained to videotape police activity from a safe distance.
The ACLU says it wants to document any police misconduct.
St. Louis police spokesman Richard Wilkes says he hopes the program will capture positive relations between officers and the community.
The ACLU is calling its new initiative "Project Vigilant."
The ACLU says it has given free video cameras to ten residents of north St. Louis. The residents are trained to videotape police activity from a safe distance.
The ACLU says it wants to document any police misconduct.
St. Louis police spokesman Richard Wilkes says he hopes the program will capture positive relations between officers and the community.
The ACLU is calling its new initiative "Project Vigilant."

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