Colored man below, robs a two-bit fast food restaurant. With pure evil, hatred and malice, he then callously shoots and murders the manager of the restaurant, a White grandmother. Now, as he faces the judge for his punishment, he cries and begs for forgiveness. To add insult to injury and with unequalled stupidly and shear audacity, he stands before the court and states; “It was all just an ‘honest mistake your honor.“ An “honest mistake!“ There was nothing honest about this incident. This act was one of the most dishonest things I had ever heard of. Shooting an unarmed person, an older White grandmother, during a robbery? An “honest mistake!? This was no mistake and there was nothing honest about it! Look at him, an armed robber and murderer, a cold-blooded killer of an innocent and unarmed grandmother, crying like a newborn while begging for mercy!

The judge sentences him to “life” in prison. Maybe the judge should feed, house, cloth and provide his medical care for the rest of his meaningless life instead of the Florida tax-payers? Florida is a capital punishment state! What in the heck is the DEATH penalty for? If cold-blooded killers of innocent grandmothers don’t get it, then who does? A burglar? Someone who burglars the governor’s or one of Florida’s other elite’s mansions? Is that what it is?
Florida has two methods of execution, the gas chamber and lethal injection, this merciless killer should be standing before the judge answering one simple and direct question, which one do you want boy?!
Florida has two methods of execution, the gas chamber and lethal injection, this merciless killer should be standing before the judge answering one simple and direct question, which one do you want boy?!

And for all you bleeding hearts out there, don’t worry, the State of Florida would have kept him all comfy-cozy while he awaited his fate should he have been sentenced to the proper punishment, death.
Look, a newly painted and well lighted area. He could have looked out through the bars and gandered at that view all day. Free of charge. The last prison I was in, they charged me just to get in, $14.99 or something like that.
Look, a newly painted and well lighted area. He could have looked out through the bars and gandered at that view all day. Free of charge. The last prison I was in, they charged me just to get in, $14.99 or something like that.

Not even to mention the nice comfortable living quarters. Has a pillow, built-in sink/commode and everything.

Here’s his victim, the judge didn’t get to ask her any questions or even hear her voice. Ma’am would you like to live? Ma’am would you like to see your grandchildren ever again? Ma’am, he just made an “honest mistake,” you do forgive him don’t you? I think we should give him a life sentence so he can live out the remainder of his life, don’t you? No, there wasn’t any questions asked of her, no statements made by her, she was the ultimate victim, she was sentenced to death!

Below, her heart-broken family shedding tears in the courtroom. I hope like hell I never have to live through something like what they have. I am not a deeply religious person but I do live by the belief of; “Always count your blessings, before you ask for more.” That being said, I only ask one thing . . . please keep my family safe. I’m certainly not saying they didn’t, I’m simply stating, I do.

Below, his GF, she assisted in the robbery and murder but received only 30 years. It’s customary for the female to receive less time, why, I don’t know. I guess they figure the female to be more or less following the male. If this had been two males who committed the robbery/murder, more than likely, both would have faced the same charges. Here’s a case where 3 males robbed an AutoZone, all three were shot by the police with one dying of his wounds. Even though it was the police who shot and killed them, the two survivors were charged with his murder.

It’s always interesting to see the “court clean-up” of the criminal. Here’s the face the White grandmother saw as she took her last breath.

Here’s the one the court saw begging for mercy and a sentence other than life.

In any case, here’s the face I will always remember. If there is indeed a God, if there is indeed a utopia called heaven, please place this soul above mine in that kingdom come.

Convicted Checkers Murderer Begs For Forgiveness
Sean Camacho killed an Osceola County grandmother while she worked at a Checkers restaurant. Wednesday, the convicted murderer begged for a judge's mercy.
Camacho, 23, has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering the manager of the fast-food restaurant. Betty Wise was a 56-year-old grandmother, who was shot to death during a robbery.
With a cracking voice and tears streaming down his face, Camacho said he was sorry.
"I do deserve to go to prison," he said, crying.
But Camacho still called the murder of Betty Wise an "honest mistake." Camacho shot Wise to death during the March 2005 robbery of a Kissimmee Checkers restaurant where the woman was a manager. Wise's family cried in court as her son Frank asked for justice.
"This would be easier if there was some real reason she had to die, but being shot in cold blood is no reason," he said.
Camacho's family also attended the sentencing and his mother apologized on her son's behalf.
"What I am about to say comes from my heart. I am sorry for the actions of my son," Paulette Camacho said.
While Camacho asked for a sentence short of life, Judge Jon Morgan told him what he did was not some honest mistake, but murder, and he handed down the maximum sentence.
Shortly before that moment, Camacho's emotions broke open.
"I ask that you, Judge Morgan, have mercy on me. Give me a second chance to go home to my family," he said.
Camacho planned the robbery with his girlfriend at the time, Marlo Cobb. She has already been sent to prison for 30 years.
Camacho, 23, has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering the manager of the fast-food restaurant. Betty Wise was a 56-year-old grandmother, who was shot to death during a robbery.
With a cracking voice and tears streaming down his face, Camacho said he was sorry.
"I do deserve to go to prison," he said, crying.
But Camacho still called the murder of Betty Wise an "honest mistake." Camacho shot Wise to death during the March 2005 robbery of a Kissimmee Checkers restaurant where the woman was a manager. Wise's family cried in court as her son Frank asked for justice.
"This would be easier if there was some real reason she had to die, but being shot in cold blood is no reason," he said.
Camacho's family also attended the sentencing and his mother apologized on her son's behalf.
"What I am about to say comes from my heart. I am sorry for the actions of my son," Paulette Camacho said.
While Camacho asked for a sentence short of life, Judge Jon Morgan told him what he did was not some honest mistake, but murder, and he handed down the maximum sentence.
Shortly before that moment, Camacho's emotions broke open.
"I ask that you, Judge Morgan, have mercy on me. Give me a second chance to go home to my family," he said.
Camacho planned the robbery with his girlfriend at the time, Marlo Cobb. She has already been sent to prison for 30 years.
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